Tuesday, July 12, 2011

blessings for my homies

Stayed in Santa Monica with my main man Lu Diamondz this last weekend at our friends Trigger, Eddie and Danny's casita.
Such warm welcomes with some fresh herbs from their garden, fresh tomatoes, eggplant and banana/chocolate chip pancakes. Fresh plums from Eddie's girls place in San Fran, and some local love from LA Vegan.
After spending a few days kicken back, hanging at the beach and chilling in the dojo, it was about time to go-go. Round 2am the morning we were set to fly out of LAX, I looked down at the scrap cans we had left over from our day painting at the Venice Art Walls, and was inspired to leave some color at the crib.

To Trigger, Eddie, Danny, French Guy, Squid and Namek - we had a hoot <3 one love from miami - kaz and lou

garden wall - owls by kazilla
photo by SQUID

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